MYChurchALAT is Congregation Management Solution
All in one communication channel for churches. From first-timers onboarding to membership management through SMS, Emails, and Voice Messaging.
Church Membership Management
We help promote church membership retention and growth through the following:
First-Timers Onboarding and Active Engagement: Automate messages sent to first-timers using multiple communication channels SMS, Voice and Email.
Membership Anniversary Celebrations: Pre-scheduled and automated wishes, prayers and e-Card to celebrate Members on their Birthdays and Anniversaries.
Attendance and Service Management: Easily add and Manage members, update service attendance and engagement. Generate service and attendance report
Quick Lookups: Easily search for people or groups that match any number of criteria or filter by any information and quickly communicate with them through emails, SMS or Voice message
Church Event Management
Check ins and Manage general church events, services, programs and calendar. Upload, update and view upcoming events and program banners.
Manage Multiple Service Sessions and Branches.